What gets filtered out of wine?
Ira Kreft asked the following very pointed question: Q: In the filter/unfiltered debate, what compounds have you heard winemakers argue that get filtered out? I have heard the generality but… Read more »
Ira Kreft asked the following very pointed question: Q: In the filter/unfiltered debate, what compounds have you heard winemakers argue that get filtered out? I have heard the generality but… Read more »
Have you ever had to chill a bottle of sparkling wine real fast by placing it in the freezer? And then, pop and gush!! Argh! You end up red-faced with… Read more »
It’s winemaking season, and that can mean only one thing: Fussing over the actual potential alcohol (PA) in your must. Oh, why do we need to pull our hair out… Read more »