Techniques in Home Winemaking

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Networking with Daniel Pambianchi

Now you can easily and conveniently stay in touch with me using your favorite web-based tools as I make resources available to you for your winemaking needs.

My website, Techniques in Home Winemaking, is now accessible, though still under construction. It is a comprehensive suite of services dedicated to home winemakers like you to help you make award-winning wines. You will find valuable information such as product reviews, and winemaking tips and secrets.

If you are a Facebook user, you can become a fan of Daniel Pambianchi's Techniques in Home Winemaking to be sure you don't miss out on the home winemaking beat.

If you want to network with other home winemakers, join my Home Winemaking group & connect with others by signing up to LinkedIn.

Through the Squidoo home winemaking lens, we will focus on specific issues of concern to home winemakers.

And I also post articles to EzineArticles, articles that will help you improve your winemaking skills. You can read about how to increase complexity of your wine through yeast selecting and blending in my first article. Here's a synopsis.

The choice of yeast strains can often be the difference between an average wine and an award-winning wine. And by combining batches fermented with different strains, you can greatly improve the aroma and flavor profile of your wines.




Techniques in Home Winemaking